National Presentations by Exchange Students

Pátek 17. březen 2017, 12:48

National Presentations are an event organised by the local section of Erasmus Student Network at Palacký University. It’s a part of ESN initiative called “Mov’in Europe”. The idea is to promote other countries, nationalities and cultures following the principle “from students to students”. Exchange students at Palacký University from countries all over the world introduce their home countries to other international as well as local students.

Every country has an opportunity to present themselves in the manner they choose as there are no strict rules. The presentations often include dancing, demonstration of customs, playing the typical instruments, quick quiz for the audience, etc.

After the presentation of both countries, it is time to taste the traditional food, which is prepared for all visitors by the students themselves. While tasting these delicious specialities there is a chance to ask them more about their countries and culture.

National presentations take place every Monday at the auditorium (Aula) of the Faculty of Education, starting at 18:00. You don’t need to travel the world, here, the world travels to you!


  • March 6th - China & South Africa
  • March 13th - Turkey & France
  • March 20th - Germany & Croatia
  • March 27th - Bosnia & Israel
  • April 3rd - Portugal & Slovakia
  • April 10th - Italy & Canada
  • April 24th - Japan & Ireland

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