prof. RNDr. Dušan LAZÁR, Ph.D.

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Katedra biofyziky

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 - objekt F2 (CRH)



biofyzika, fotosyntéza, stres rostlin, fluorescenční indukce, matematické modelování

Niu Y., Matsubara S., Nedbal L., Lazár D. Dynamics and interplay of photosynthetic regulatory processes depend on the amplitudes of oscillating light. PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT. 2024.
Stirbet A., Guo Y., Lazár D., Govindjee G. From leaf to multiscale models of photosynthesis: applications and challenges for crop improvement. PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH. 2024.
Lahlou A., Sepasi Tehrani H., Coghill I., Nedbal L., Lazár D., Le Saux T., Jullien L. Fluorescence to measure light intensity. NATURE METHODS. 2023.
Lazár D., Niu Y., Nedbal L. Insights on the regulation of photosynthesis in pea leaves exposed to oscillating light. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY. 2022.
Lazár D., Stirbet A., Björn LO., Govindjee G. Light quality, oxygenic photosynthesis and more. Photosynthetica. 2022.
Fuente Herraiz D., Lazár D., Oliver‑Villanueva JV., Urchueguía JF. Reconstruction of the absorption spectrum of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 optical mutants from the in vivo signature of individual pigments. PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH. 2021.
Ilíková I., Ilík P., Opatíková M., Arshad R., Nosek L., Karlický V., Kučerová Z., Roudnický P., Pospíšil P., Lazár D., Bartoš J., Kouřil R. Towards spruce-type photosystem II supercomplex: consequences of the loss of light-harvesting proteins LHCB3 and LHCB6 in Arabidopsis. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 2021.
Bednaříková M., Folgar-Cameán Y., Kučerová Z., Lazár D., Špundová M., Hájek J., Barták M. Analysis of K- and L-band appearance in OJIPs in Antarctic lichens in low and high temperature. Photosynthetica. 2020.
Stirbet A., Björn LO., Shevela DN., Lazár D. Celebrating the contributions of Govindjee after his retirement: 1999–2020. NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 2020.
Baránková B., Lazár D., Nauš J., Solovchenko A., Gorelova o., Baulina O., Huber G., Nedbal L. Light absorption and scattering by high light-tolerant, fast-growing Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS C-1 cells. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2020.
Stirbet AD., Lazár D., Guo Y., Govindjee G. Photosynthesis: basics, history, and modeling. ANNALS OF BOTANY. 2020.
Husičková A., Humplík J., Hýbl M., Spíchal L., Lazár D. Analysis of Cold-Developed vs. Cold-Acclimated Leaves Reveals Various Strategies of Cold Acclimation of Field Pea Cultivars. Remote Sensing. 2019.
Janečková H., Husičková A., Lazár D., Ferretti U., Pospíšil P., Špundová M. Exogenous application of cytokinin during dark senescence eliminates the acceleration of photosystem II impairment caused by chlorophyll b deficiency in barley. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. 2019.
Husičková A., Humplík J., Hýbl M., Spíchal L., Lazár D. Nekompletní zadání záznamu přes průvodce. 2019.
Nauš J., Lazár D., Baránková B., Arnoštová B. On the source of non-linear light absorbance in photosynthetic samples. Photosynthesis Research. 2018.
Baránková B., Lazár D., Nauš J. Analysis of the effect of chloroplast arrangement on optical properties of green tobacco leaves. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2016.
Humplík J., Lazár D., Fürst T., Husičková A., Hýbl M., Spíchal L. Automated integrative high-throughput phenotyping of plant shoots: a case study of the cold-tolerance of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Plant Methods. 2015.
Lazár D. Parameters of photosynthetic energy partitioning. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2015.
Lazár D., Murch SJ., Beilby MJ., Al Khazaaly S. Exogenous melatonin affects photosynthesis in characeae Chara australis. Plant Signaling & Behavior (print). 2013.
Šafránek D., Červený J., Klement M., Pospíšilová J., Brim L., Lazár D., Nedbal L. E-photosynthesis: Web-based platform for modeling of complex photosynthetic processes. BioSystems. 2011.
Kaňa R., Špundová M., Ilík P., Lazár D., Klem K., Tomek P., Nauš J., Prášil O. Effect of herbicide clomazone on photosynthetic processes in primary barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2004.
Kouřil R., Lazár D., Ilík P., Skotnica J., Nauš J. High-temperature induced chlorophyll fluorescence rise in plants at 40-50 degrees C: experimental and theoretical approach. Photosynthesis Research. 2004.
Tomek P., Ilík P., Lazár D., Štroch M., Nauš J. On the determination of QB-non-reducing photosystem II centers from chlorophyll a fluorescence induction. Plant Science. 2003.
Lazár D., Nauš J., Hlaváčková V., Špundová M., Mieslerová B. Statistical changes in chlorophyll fluorescence rise within adaxial leaf area caused by worsening of Photosystem II function. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Statistical Inferential Methods: Theory and Applications. 2003.
Kaňa R., Lazár D., Prášil O., Nauš J. Experimental and theoretical studies on the excess capacity of Photosystem II. Photosynthesis Research. 2002.
Lazár D., Brokeš M., Nauš J., Dvořák L. . Journal of Theoretical Biology. 1998.
Lazár D., Nauš J., Matoušková M., Flašarová M. Mathematical Modelling of Changes in Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Caused by Herbicides. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 1997.
Lazár D. Modelování velmi rychlého fluorescenčního indukčního jevu ve fotosyntéze. Sborník příspěvků z 12. Konference českých a slovenských fyziků. 1996.
Jablonský J., Lazár D. Analysis of S2,3-states decay processes: focused on cyanobacteria. In Kuang T., Lu C., Zhang L. (Eds.) Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and the Future. 15th International Conference on Photosynthesis. 2013.
Lazár D., Sušila P., Nauš J. Statistical properties of parameters evaluated from the O-J-I-P chlorophyll a fluorescence transients and their changes upon high temperature stress. Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives (Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Photosynthesis; CD-ROM). 2005.
Stirbet A., Lazár D., Papageorgiou GC., Govindjee G. Chlorophyll a fluorescence in cyanobacteria: relation to photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria: From Basic Science to Applications. 2019.
Lazár D., Schancker G. Models of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Transients. Photosynthesis in silico: Understanding Complexity from Molecules to Ecosystems. 2009.

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Jméno Fakulta Studijní program Rok ukončení
LYU PRF Fyzika 2017
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